Middle School
fifth through eighth grade
Welcome to middle school, where our focus is to understand, support, and educate enthusiastic learners as they journey from childhood through adolescence. Our goal is to mentor our students as they grow to be confident, curious scholars and generous, connected, and compassionate global citizens.
As you walk through our middle school you will often observe students working together. We value collaboration and communication, and we encourage students to work respectfully with one another as they learn. Whether designing a group presentation in humanities, collaborating with a partner to construct something in projects lab, setting up a team science experiment in our lab, or grappling with a complex math problem as a class, our students grow by working together.
MP&MS teachers serve as mentors as middle school students evolve academically, socially and emotionally. They support our students as each works to develop the skills and abilities to courageously take a stand for what is right, to assist others in need, to include those who otherwise might not be included, and to reflect on one’s mistakes and try again. Inspiring children to make a difference is embedded in our mission, and community service is integrated into our students’ school experience. Our teachers embrace parents as partners, and we encourage and enjoy open dialogue in order to support each student and family. Every adult at MP&MS is here to help, encourage, and inspire each student to meet his or her highest level of individual accomplishment.
Our graduates leave MP&MS as confident self-advocates and enthusiastic lifelong learners, well prepared to succeed through their high school years and beyond.
Led by dedicated teachers, our core academic program (math, humanities, science, and Spanish) is integrated with our specialist program (art, music, drama, P.E. and projects lab). Teachers and specialists plan together to design well-rounded, relevant, and meaningful learning experiences. Our middle school classrooms and flexible workspaces provide teachers and specialists with the ability to create effective and engaging multidisciplinary, integrated units and projects. Small learning groups make it possible to provide a personalized educational experience within the context of a classroom community.
Language arts, math, social studies, science, Spanish, drama, art, music, service learning, physical education, and technology are incorporated into a positive experience for each student. Teachers work closely together to connect the subject matter in meaningful ways.
The curriculum is designed to promote understanding and thoughtfulness. Students are asked to think deeply and reflectively about facts, ideas, and experiences in an increasingly diverse society. They are encouraged to make connections between their learning at school and their growing awareness of the outside world.
Learn more about the Middle School Curriculum.
Program Features
Middle school includes grades five through eight. Fifth grade is led by two full-time homeroom teachers. Our sixth through eighth grade classes are split into academic groups. A low student-teacher ratio helps us to cultivate positive, supportive relationships, and smaller learning groups ensure that each child is well known by all faculty.

Linda Hoopes